Saturday, August 24, 2013

R6, P2, VLCD 38 - Working on a Saturday and Hail Storms

Today, I had to go into work to complete payroll. Monday is the first day of school and, since I took the day off, I wanted to be sure to take care of that administrative task. I think everyone will appreciate getting paid on time. It was totally drama-filled, though. We had a fire during this pay-period and several people clocked-in extra hours. Trying to round up who had what was a bit of a nightmare, but I think we finally figured it out.

When I left the office, I ran a few errands then picked up lunch. After lunch, I took my daughter's hair

down then allowed her to go swimming. The rest of the afternoon was spent doing her hair and cooking my hubby's dinner for the week. I also threw on a few hotdogs on the grill for the girls. They seemed happy with tonight's dinner (hotdogs and french fries). A crazy storm blew in while I was cooking. Indy was watching the Shaggy D.A. and the power popped off for a while. Then, dime-sized hail began to fall and completely cover the ground. I'm anxious for a change in the weather but was seriously not expecting all of that.

My vial is very, very low. I'm not sure if I can get four more doses out of it. If not, I'll be starting my 72-hour clearing and P3 a little sooner than anticipated. I'm anxious for the protein I'll be able to enjoy in just a few short days. I have loads of new recipes, so I'll be doing some serious shopping this weekend.

I didn't drink my complete two liters today. Not sure how that will effect tomorrows loses but, being down .6lbs this morning wasn't too shabby (putting me at 177.4lbs). Here's what I had today (BTW, I had two, Del Taco hamburgers with no bun or ketchup. I couldn't find the nutritional information for it this way anywhere, so I substituted those for Wendy's. The patties were about the same size):

August 24th, 2013 
1,167 313 0 313
Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Large Grapefruit, Half 1.00 53 0g 0mg 0mg 13g 12g 2g 1g
Wendy's Wendy's - Jr. Hamburger Patty, Onions, Pickles & Mustard Only (No Bun) 2.00 160 16g 80mg 720mg 0g 0g 0g 22g
Publix Orange Roughy 1.00 80 1g 20mg 70mg 0g 0g 0g 16g
Steamed Cabbage (ku Dining) 1.00 20 0g 0mg 5mg 4g 0g 2g 1g
Good Earth Sweet And Spicy Herbal Tea 1.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g

Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein

313 17g 100mg 795mg 17g 12g 4g 40g