Friday, August 02, 2013

Appendage for August 2nd

An aside for some other things that are going on. I hadn't had a movement for two days and was getting pretty frustrated. I typically take a B supplement, along with two probiotics each morning.

I take two of these each day

Today, I added my hubby's probiotic, Super Cleanse, and voila! Success! I will continue with this ritual for the next couple of days to, hopefully, keep things moving. There's a lady online who has done several rounds of HCG and insists on taking lots of probiotics after the rounds are complete to help get bodies back on track and stabilize (she takes as many as ten then weans down, thankfully). I will keep that in mind for P3 and P4.

What got everything going again.

Lots of roots and herbs to help the digestion process move again.