Tuesday, June 01, 2010

R2, P2, VLCD 7 - Real Honey Dijon Vs. the Fake

I tried the Walden Farms salad dressing version of Honey Dijon. It had a weird aftertaste and under-taste (if that makes sense). I then had a couple of teaspoons of regular honey Dijon with my grilled chicken. Absolutely wonderful! I may add it to my spinach salad tomorrow over the Walden Farms dressing. Someone on the message boards said it wasn't one of their favorite flavors, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. Oh, well. Perhaps I'll give another flavor a try later on.

My kids and I are watching the Labyrinth. So many childhood memories. Jim Henson was a huge part of kiddom for me, may he rest in peace. I decided to find something we could all watch, rather than something just for the kids that may have tested my gag reflex. ;)

Down another 1.4lbs this morning. Woohoo! I also just steamed a new head of cabbage for the week. I gotta get those asparagus stalks steamed at some point, too. We're out of season for them, so I can't eat them as frequently as I did in early spring (they are getting too expensive).

Here's what I had:

June 1st, 2010

Calorie goal: 1,061; calories consumed: 330; calories burned: 0 Net calories: 330 Write in your diary: How do you feel today?
Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
96/4 All Natural Extra Lean Ground Beef 1.00 140 5g 70mg 80mg 0g 0g 0g 24g
Fresh GREEN ONIONS 1.00 3 0g 0mg 0mg 1g 0g 1g 0g
Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger 1.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Grilled Skinless Chicken Breast 1.00 120 2g 70mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 24g
Fresh Strawberries 1.00 28 0g 0mg 0mg 4g 5g 2g 2g
Popeye Fresh Tender Spinach 1.00 25 0g 0mg 80mg 4g 0g 2g 3g
Walden Farms Honey Dijon Salad Dressing 0.50 0 0g 0mg 135mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Golding Farms Honey Dijon Mustard 2.00 10 0g 0mg 220mg 2g 2g 0g 0g
Celestial Seasonings Black Cherry Berry Herbal Tea 1.00 4 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Totals: 330 6g 140mg 515mg 11g 7g 5g 53g
I was 154lbs on the nose this morning. I am starting to see the weight loss in my face. Crazy! I've been this weight before and never looked like this. Onward and upward. :)