Sunday, April 18, 2010

P3 Day 8 - Oh, the Fat!

It's strange to be eating all the fat. I still have a dieter's mentality in a lot of ways and cringe at all the fat I'm ingesting (I am trying very hard to work through this dogma). I think back to the days of staying within 1200 calories and 30 fat grams. Someone on the boards mentioned "getting rid of the Weight Watcher's ideology" and there's something to be said around that. Today I was around the 100 fat gram range and I'll be surprised if there isn't a significant change in my weight, tomorrow (only up .2 from yesterday, sort of. I got back on the scale and it reflected the same weight as yesterday. Since I try to record the first amount, then there was actually the .2lb increase).

The extra fat came from beef dogs and sausage links. The sausage was just part of breakfast, but the beef dogs were sort of a splurge with hubby (he's home and normally we'd splurge with cheesecake...instead I splurged on protein). I checked the stats online for Nathan's before we did it, just to be on the safe side. Actually, we opted for salads over the dogs but once we bit into those salads? Ugh! They were bland, bland, bland. Who knew a Southwest salad could be bland? That's when, we ordered the dogs. Too bad. If the salad had been good, I'm sure I would have been satisfied with it.

Amongst all the eating, I was more active today than I've been in a while. We went to two parks, played Frisbee, walked the neighborhood and did some shopping. I hope this offsets any damage I may have incurred. I recorded some activity below, but it was far more than what I recorded. I just don't really have a handle on how much it really was. Oh, well.

Here's what else I had on my high fat day:

April 18th, 2010

Calorie goal:
1,124; calories consumed: 1,309; calories burned: 97
Net calories:

Write in your diary: How do you feel today?

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Cache Valley Swiss Block 8oz 1.00 100 8g 25mg 60mg 1g 0g 0g 8g
Crystal Farms All Whites 2.00 60 0g 0mg 190mg 2g 0g 0g 12g
Bar S Bacon 1.00 80 7g 15mg 280mg 0g 0g 0g 4g
Farmland Foods Pork Sausage Links - Original 1.00 260 23g 40mg 610mg 1g 1g 0g 0g
Nathan's Hot Dogs 2.00 340 30g 70mg 940mg 2g 0g 0g 14g
Sea Pak Shrimp Scampi 1.00 340 32g 115mg 540mg 3g 1g 0g 11g
Birds Eye Steamfresh Broccoli Cuts 1.00 30 0g 0mg 20mg 4g 2g 2g 2g
Grapefruit, Half 1.00 26 0g 0mg 0mg 7g 0g 0g 1g
White Zinfandel Wine 1.00 73 0g 0mg 5mg 1g 0g 0g 0g
Fitness Minutes Calories Burned
Walk: 2.5 mph (24min/mi) 20.0 -97.0
Totals: 1,212 100g 265mg 2,645mg 21g 4g 2g 52g

I was 161.8lbs this morning (still bouncing around in 161 least it's fairly stable).