Saturday, April 10, 2010

Last of P2 24 and 48 hour VLC Days

My condo's wireless costs an exorbitant fee, so I'm surfing at the McDonald's while my kids eat Breakfast. Yesterday was hard because I took my roast beef in the car for the long car drive and a bowl of tomatoes? Oh, nasty. I barely ate the tomatoes, which had a rancid taste and the roast beef barely did anything. Later in the day, I turned into super witch and it wasn't until dinner time that I realized I was acting out because of hunger. So, off to my favorite place: Mongolian BBQ.

Oh my gosh! I'd forgotten how good it was. My youngest loved it, but my oldest was too tired to really take in the fabulousness. I loaded up on cucumbers, cabbage, celery, tomatoes and chicken (seeing that I didn't eat much for lunch). As a sauce, I drowned it in the red cooking wine. I was in heaven! I'm thinking of going back for lunch today (a pick up just for me). The girls will want their normal "vacation" junk, so I'll oblige.

So, yesterday, I was 157 (a loss of .8lbs from my LIW) and today I was 155.5, which means I'm officially two pounds under my LIW. I gotta eat more today. Weird, right? Gotta eat more?

I will post menus again, once I'm home. I'm too distracted at the Mickey D's. This location houses a Greyhound bus stop and this place is crazy! Can't wait for my omelet tomorrow. Seems like I'm going to need it, if my weight keeps dropping. (keeps dropping...really? I'm worried about this?!).