Seems like I had to do a correction during R6 that included a night of eating out. Today, it was an afternoon and boy, was I nervous! I ordered the small, chicken coconut curry (no rice) and side salad. I drank 24 ounces of water with my lunch. This morning, I had about 24 ounces of water, along with my coffee. For dinner? Chicken thighs and a nice cup of tea. Please, oh please let me be in the green tomorrow! Corrections are no fun, even if you're doing something other than a steak day (those are really no fun).
My eldest still doesn't know if she's captain or not. Both returners expressed that they were fine with being either. The coach indicated that they will spend the summer getting to know each other, then she will have the girls vote (leaving the final vote for herself). It should be an interesting summer.
The mothers seem to be eager to help, but I sensed some hesitancy with some of them. I know that being the only chocolate chip, they probably don't know how to take me. They better get over it because I'm here to stay. I helped the coach with some ideas and sent her pictures of my daughter's current outfits, so she'll know what the girls already have. The coach seems eager to make the year work and I love that she's so enthusiastic (she has a 4 month old daughter and a two year old son), so she's already asking for parental help. Here I am!
Zaura seems excited and she's really glad that the coach is listening to all of the girls and their ideas. I hope it will be a great year for all of them.
I had a 1.6lb gain (172.2lbs) in salt, salt salt (yep...already determined what it is). I'll take my Miralax tonight nd tomorrow. That should be the end of my seven days. It's truly been like pudding, but I don't want to lose the flow (ha!). Here's what I had:
An airy, forty-something water-bearer that marches to the beat of her own drum. I'm a wife, a mother of two and avid animal lover. I also love to travel and may one day make that part of my profession.
Labels: 170s, Correction, P3, R7