Friday, May 13, 2011

R4, P2, VLCD 11 - Lunch Out with Hubby (1lb Release)

After work, hubby took me to the Mongolian Grill for lunch today. It was so yummy, but I always know that I can't eat anything else for the rest of the day because of all the salt. I usually have a brief increase in weight gain, then a release soon after. Unfortunately, it won't be the salt that gets me this time.

The grill-guy decided to squirt who knows how much oil on my particular bowl of veggies. Ugh! I was so upset. I suppose I could have said, "I'm not eating this! Throw it out and don't put anymore oil on my food," but, I didn't want to cause a scene. I figure next time I go, I'd better speak up at the first and say, "No oil, please." Dang it! I don't even know what kind of oil they used (not that it matters). Oh, well. No use crying over spilled milk (oil), right?

Here's what it came down to today (in basic terms):

May 13th, 2011

Net calories: 542

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Mongolian Bbq Good Bowl 1.50 542 28g 0mg 0mg 21g 0g 3g 53g
Totals: 542 28g 0mg 0mg 21g 0g 3g 53g

I was 166.8, this morning. If God is kind to me, I may have a release. I'll be thrilled, even if it's tiny. :)