Thursday, October 03, 2013

Lots of Fat and Calories

I was hungrier today than usual. The weather was cooler and perhaps it was my body just trying to find warmth and comfort in food to ward off the cold.  Despite my urges, I stayed with the low-carb. The craziest I got was with my milk and coffee this morning. It was so wonderful! It totally hit the spot and I'm pretty sure I'll need another one tomorrow (okay, I'll pass if my weight is up).

This morning, I was down .8lbs (175.4lbs) and a little lower after my workout. I've been sticking with it and enjoying the endorphin rush. I know I'll need to dig out my Firms soon for the weight training. I can't just do endless cardio for the rest of my days. Or can I...

My hubby was in a car accident this evening. It seems a man decided at the last minute to cross three lanes of rush hour traffic so that he could be in my hubby's lane. Unfortunately, he didn't see my hubby until it was too late. Tomorrow, I'll take him over to the Enterprise so that he can rent a car. He's pretty much said that this puts the kibosh on our Las Vegas trip at the end of the month. What a bummer! I was looking forward to some alone time with him.

Here's what I had today:

October 3rd, 2013 
1,110 1,505 259 1,246
Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Egg White 4.00 68 2g 0mg 220mg 1g 1g 0g 14g
Sorrento Fresh Mozarella Cheese 1.00 90 6g 30mg 130mg 0g 0g 0g 5g
Starbucks Cafe Misto 1.00 80 3g 0mg 70mg 7g 7g 0g 5g
Hamburger Patty With Am.cheese 3.00 717 50g 240mg 1,356mg 11g 0g 0g 0g
Tyson Chicken Wing Sections 1.50 330 26g 158mg 285mg 0g 0g 0g 26g
Tillamook Swiss Cheese Sliced 2.00 220 16g 60mg 0mg 2g 0g 0g 18g

Fitness Minutes Cals Burned
Aerobics - low impact 39.0 -259.0

Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein

1,246 102g 488mg 2,061mg 21g 8g 0g 68g