Thursday, July 22, 2010

R2, P3 Day 18 - Steak Day

Yep. I broke down and had one today. Well, steak-like food, anyway. The T-bones were gone and hubby had eaten the rest of the sirloin as well. I was waiting for him to get home (since he said he would be home earlier today). No such luck. By 6:30pm, I was ready to gnaw off my own arm so we went to Burger King, the kids and I. I opted for Whopper Jr.s with no bread, no ketchup and no cheese. I also had a side salad. I had no coffee with cream today, so I gave myself permission to a little ranch dressing with my salad. That should certainly correct the salt damage I incurred upon myself from yesterday.

Here's what I had:

July 22nd, 2010

Calorie goal: 1,286; calories consumed: 503; calories burned: 0 Net calories: 503
Mood: Frustrated

Steak Day, dang it! [edit this diary entry]
Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Lipton Ginger Twist Herbal Tea 1.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Lipton Lemon Herbal Tea 1.00 0 0g 0mg 0mg 1g 0g 0g 0g
Good Earth Original Caffeine Free, Sweet & Spicy 1.00 3 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Burger King Jr. WHOPPER - Low Carb 2.00 280 20g 80mg 280mg 2g 2g 0g 22g
Burger King Side Salad 1.00 20 0g 5mg 0mg 4g 1g 1g 1g
Classic Ranch Dressing (wendy's) 1.00 200 20g 15mg 340mg 3g 2g 0g 1g
Totals: 503 40g 100mg 620mg 10g 5g 1g 24g

I was pretty content with being around 142 and 143, even though it's 2lbs above my LIW. I felt that if that's where my body stabilized, than that's where I needed to be. When the scale said 144.2lbs this morning, I had to factor in a correction day. I refuse to let things spiral out of control before I go to P4 next week. I keep telling hubby that I may need to do one last shorty round after our vacation in September. He is still not happy about that (I am pretty small already for my height, surprisingly...even smaller than when we met in college. I wonder if he's afraid he might break me?) ;-)

Oh, and here's the musical for the day (my eldest loved it):