Friday, July 16, 2010

R2, P3 Day 12 - Almost Done

I am so doggone tired! Tomorrow is the last day of all this and I'll be ever so happy. My weight was only up slightly (eating out, yesterday, seemed to make a difference). The hotel food is bad news, despite how much they're preparing for us.

Here's the quick and dirty:


Lots of eggs
4 slices of bacon
green tea


Chicken Curry (sampan)
paper wrapped chicken
32 ounce unsweetened tea


Taco meat
Fajita chicken
Sour cream
salad with light Caesar dressing
decaf coffee

Was up .2lbs today (better) but hoping the salt in the taco meat doesn't do me in for tomorrow. If it does, no stress since it will be a steak day. Gotta get this conference weight off. After talking with other participants, I don't think I have nearly as much to take off as they do (I ate none of the super starchy dinner rolls, the tarts and pastries, or the buckets of potatoes served with the meals). Yeah, me!