Sunday, May 23, 2010

Normalcy...Um, Not Really

(Oh, the picture is my visual of getting back in the saddle...I know, I'm so cheesy).

This was not a good day for "normalcy" (no phases). We've been celebrating hubby's successes with food (resurgence of bad habits).

--Aside: Hubby won the overall for his show this weekend. He now holds a "pro card", which means he is officially a professional bodybuilder for NGA (natural, no steroids) and can compete in pro shows for monetary prizes. Hooray!--

Although I did manage to maintain some self-control, I didn't do as good a job as I had hoped. The upside is that I swam like a crazy-woman on Saturday (laps, not just paddling around) and woke up so sore this morning. I'm sort of hoping that my muscles will release any water tomorrow. I've pretty much given up that I'll start round two in the 150s.

I have to say, though, that it could have been a lot worse. Reading some of the posts in the forums, there are folks who get into round two 10 or fifteen pounds above their LIW. I think I would just cry if that were the case. Luckily, I don't think I'll have that problem tomorrow.

I've mixed my new batch of HCG and placed it in it's aluminum foil covered seal in the fridge. I have my groceries purchased (all stocked up on spinach, beef, green onions, sugar/starch-free seasonings, grapefruit and apples) and will pick up a few more, later this week. I'll be loading tomorrow and Tuesday which is exactly 3 months to the day that I started round one.

We ate breakfast from the hotel this morning, had A&W orange freezes for a snack (Oh! Creamsicle in a cup. Divine!) McDonald's for lunch (salt, salt, salt) and chili dogs for dinner. I, myself did not eat dinner opting to get in the rest of my 80 ounces of water instead. Besides, I still felt my McDouble sitting at the bottom of my stomach. I'll eat more than enough tomorrow and Tuesday.

I think that when I go through P4 the next time, I will not bring in as many carbs so soon. I really didn't want them, but didn't want to deny myself. After rereading the protocol, Dr. Simeons states that high fat high protein is fine, but as soon as you incorporate the carbs, you can sabotage that positive combination. Lower fat, high protein days with a bit of carbs worked really well for me. I'll certainly know that next time.

If I do a third round, it will be after our vacation in September (and before the holidays). I'm not afraid of additional rounds but am hoping that I won't need them. I'm happy that I know I can keep good habits and that, with a little will power, I can eat normally and not worry too much about calorie counting. I kept logs for my own sense of education and research for the future. I think it will help me when I finally hit "lifestyle maintenance weight" (that's what I think I'll call it).

So, tomorrow is the start of Round 2 and I will keep documenting to help me stay motivated, focused and fearless in my pursuit of a healthier me. Onward and upward!


Susan said...

I just wanted to say congratulations on your successful completion of P4, and good luck with round 2, you're going to do great!!

Enchantress said...

Thanks so much and good luck with your P3 and all the fun recipes you'll be making. :)