I can't quite seem to get out of this funk (bitchy mood, according to hubby). I'm not sure if it's the moon or my hormones fluctuating (you know, going back to normal after TOM. God, I hope that's what it is so I can finally stable out). Anyway, I was in meeting after meeting today (which is why I was unable to post this morning). I've also started the new supplement I talked about a few days ago. Hot Rox. Hubby has me on half the dose but, I missed a pill this afternoon, due to all the meetings. The first pill I had I took just after dropping off my little one at school/daycare. After about 6 or 7 minutes, my vision did something weird...a kind of equilibrium, off balance sort of weird. I'm not sure if it was just me or the supplement kicking in. I was going to pay attention to how I felt, after I took the second pill but, that never happened. I suppose I'll run my experiment tomorrow.
I wore an outfit today that I bought when I was in highschool or college. It's an 11/12 with absolutely no give. It fit perfectly. So, I wondered if it fit just right because it's polyester and there's no give or if the sizes have changed a bit in just these few years. What I mean is that if you compare the sizes of clothing from say 1950 to what we wear now, there's a huge difference. Most women measured quite petitely, back in the day. They would be considered a modern size 4 or 6, but that was the norm. The size that was displayed in their clothing, may have said 14 or 16. With each decade, clothing manufacturers "adjust" the sizes. It's basically a "feed the mass's ego" kind of thing that's occurred over the past few decades. I can't remember if I mentioned this before but, huge retailers like the Gap already do this. A four from the Gap is really a six or eight from other retailers.
My mother was telling me that they're getting ready to change the sizes again (not sure when). So, I'd be a 6 or 7 when it happens. I think it's so crazy that they do this. Everyone knows that the obesity problem in America (and the UK) is out of control. Why are they blinding people into believing that they are fine and healthy the way that they are? For a lot of people, our size alone is what motivates us to get fit and stay healthy (not that it should always be a determine factor, but that's how many women think). Man, if I purchased a size 4 skirt and could get into it, why would I work to improve myself? I'm a size four, right? Unbelievable! Then, where does that put those folks that are already a 0 or 2, back into the children's sizes? I guess that's the only place you can go, or maybe they'd make up some kind of uber petite section in the stores.
What they should do is base sizes on measurements like in other countries. That makes more sense. A 34 means you're 34" throughout the chest and back from some countries (34A, 34B or 34C to be specific). That's what you are, so that's what you wear in a blouse, for example. I don't know. My feelings about this are pretty strong. I guess it's that not appreciating the way marketers force the consumer into a corner. It really pisses off the hippy in me. But, I'm really digressing.
The outfit today was black - a skirt and front-zippered top. I received many compliments, but thought it odd that it was a "right on" 11 (when I'm sporting a size 9 and 10 these days). I wasn't sure how to feel about it. Have I made progress? Do I look different than I did in highschool (body shape, wise)? I think I do. I was checking out my hips in some of my pictures and they are way more pronounced than they were in high school. I guess child bearing will do that. Oh, man. I wonder how I'll look 10 or even 20 pounds from now? Will I recognize the new me because I really will be new. I won't ever look like I did 10 years ago. That seems so weird. Seems like if you drop weight and go back to a size you once were, you'll look like you did when you were that size. Not true in the least (well, maybe for some people). I don't think that will be the case for me.
Labor Day weekend is coming and I have no plans. Hubby will be working through it, so I suppose I need to find something for me and the babe to do. Too bad there aren't any kid movies out right now that I can take her too. Perhaps I'll take her to the park or roller skating. We've been hanging out in the 70's and 80's the past couple of weeks. It's been really nice feeling that fall tinge in the air.