Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Getting Over the Hump

My 600+ emails are down to about 100 now, thank God. I talked to my boss, yesterday, about the entire frustration, my crying jag when looking at all of those blasted emails. It was good to get it out. It may have pushed the hire date for my help up a bit. I'm very grateful for very, very grateful.

I'm down a half pound for the records, ladies and gentlemen. I'm sure it would have been a bit more, if I'd managed to do my treadmill walk Tuesday morning. I had the hardest time just getting up. I did manage to get in my 53 minutes this morning. Those Hulk episodes really help to keep me going...especially when they're intense episodes. It's like singing a song in the car; if it's a fast song or a song you're really getting into, you tend to drive faster (or slower). Whatever the case for you, it will effect your speed in some way. When an intense episode is on, I tend to walk much faster. If the episode is dragging, I tend to check my stats a whole lot more.

I'll be having surgery (for the second time) in a couple of weeks. This time, it's to get my wisdom teeth removed. I know I've talked about how I denied having them removed because they never hurt anyone, but now I'm kind of curious to see how I'll look once their out and my regular teeth begin to move back. Will my smile change? Will it make me look totally different? When I had my reduction, that was an immediate change. I know my teeth will probably take a year or two to settle to where they're going to be. It's should be interesting.

Things are still about the same at home. I should mention that the bombshell my hubby dropped wasn't like a cheating thing or infidelity. I don't want to give the wrong impression. Let's just say his ideas of where our marriage is and my ideas, don't exactly gel. We are a lot a like in many ways, but there are lots of ways where we are quite different. We are trying to figure out how to grow together with our differences. It's me again with my non-communication. My effort is to try and talk to him more, even if I think what I'm saying isn't as important or has as much merit as the things he's going through. It's tough, but I've got to do it.

The babe will start her dance lessons again in September. She is so excited and I'm excited for her. I'll have to make sure that we find a dance class for her in our city, whenever she starts Kindegarten.