Tuesday, August 10, 2004

For Goodness Sake, Focus!

I stepped on the scale today, just because. Ugh! I have to get it together, and this is no joke. How will I ever become the enchantress I know I am, if I keep eating those blasted cheetos! Hubby said it best last night, "Just because they're here, doesn't mean you have to eat them." But, in my mind, I do. They were purchased. They are in my house. They will not leave my house unless someone eats them or throws them away. Naturally, I can't throw them away because that's like throwing away money, right? Oh, but a thin person would say. "It's no big deal. They didn't cost that much." I guess those ideas you're raised with stay with you for longer than you want them to. I mean, I understand that it's all coming from those times when mom and dad forced me to eat and not waste food. They told me about the starving children in Ethiopia who would be so grateful to have what I had. I also know that I can't lay this on my parents feet. It's my decision. It's my choice to be large or small. I have to take a stand. I have to say, "Enough is enough." So, I'm saying it: "Enough is enough. It's time to get back on the bandwagon and take charge of my life and stop slacking. I'm going to be fabulous by 30. I will be fabulous by 30. "