Monday, May 10, 2004

Round Brown

That's how I'm feelin' today. I've been gassy (Sorry. More than you wanted to know)and in a funk all weekend. Today is the first day I haven't felt like I wanted to deck someone. At first, I thought it was because of TOM, but now I'm not sure if that's what I'm experiencing. There's something very strange going on, here. I've been spotting since last week. Typically, the only time I spot is during ovulation and that only last a couple of days. After that, there are two weeks of tidy whities then boom, the big TOM with heavy days and all. But now, I'm not sure if I'm ovulating or actually having it. It's just been spotty. No heavy days, no gradual decline in pad usage. It's been me and the pantyliners, or the occasional pad (So, sorry. Really TMI, I know). I'm hesitant to go to the doctor about it because I keep thinking about the fast I just experienced. Maybe it was the total cut-off of solid foods that has my body in a tizzy. What to do, what to do? If things don't look different by Wednesday, I'll go see a doctor (on a side note, the gassiness and the spots are exactly what happened the first time I got pregnant. Now, hubby and I are pretty careful, but who knows).

Food wise, I've been enjoying the Mother's day holiday, but without going too nuts. Saturday, hubby got me a massage (I had a bag of pretzels, just before). For lunch, I had lo mein noodles, beef and broccoli, and potato chicken. For dinner, it was Golden Corrall. They didn't have any oatmeal cookies. What the hell? I was too pissed!

Sunday, the men at our church make the women breakfast, so I had grits, eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Carbo city! Who cares, the serving sizes were normal to small. In fact, I wasn't full after I ate. Later, I had a protein bar to kind of compensate. For dinner, hubby made baked chicken and baked fries. Very tasty.

After reflecting on my weekend, I realize that it was a good one and I should be very grateful that so many people love me and care about me, but at the time, I couldn't see that. I was just so irritated at the world. Queen of the victims, should have been tattooed on my forehead. I guess I was being a spoiled brat and thankfully, I've gotten over that (I think).