Friday, May 07, 2004

Looking Good and Feeling Fine

Well, pretty much. I was supposed to have a lunch outing with a friend, but she totally spaced it. If I hadn't of called her, I would have showed up at the restaurant looking like Boo Boo the Fool. At any rate, I was glad I had my back-up, frozen Michaelina's lunch in the freezer. It was really good, or I was really hungry (five cheese lasgna).

Tonight is my daughter's spring dance recital and I'm so excited! I'll be going over to my sister's apartment for the first time. My to describe her: She's an actress, literally. She's in the Actors Training Program at the University. She's the baby of the family and an actress. You know, draw your own conclusions. Anyway, we'll be going over there to get the babe ready for dance, since the recital is here in town and I don't have time to drive all the way home, then turn around and drive all the way back to get her to the school by 5:40 pm. Insane...and I'm not even going to try it. Sissy lives here, so that makes mucho more sense. I'll have to stop and get dinner for the both of us.

Today, I'm wearing this ultra cute shirt I got at Wally world (that would be Wal-Mart, folks). It's got the Superman emblem on the front, but it's in pink. I'm wearing matching pink, capri pants and the whole ensemble is making me feel so feminine. I know. I really need to get a life when a cheap t-shirt and some cheap-ass pants make me feel feminine. The shirt is smaller than I've ever worn in my life, a 4-6 and the pants are an 8-10. Nice!

Happy Mother's Day!