Friday, May 21, 2004

Bring on the Pepto

I'm not sure if it was last night's dinner, or Wednesday's stress but this morning, I woke up with my stomach on the rampage. So, into the medicine cabinet I went for a dose of the nasty pink stuff. Ugh! Chalk in a bottle. What were those medicine makers thinking?

We went to the Golden Corral last night for dinner (my treat). I did well and got what I usually eat, but somehow I think it's just not agreeing with me anymore. Could it be that my body is a more efficient and happier machine when not doused with grease? Perish the thought! Anyway, we came home at around 8, lights out by around 9 but hubby wanted to be philosophical and talk my ear off. When that happens, my sleep time is cut down so it's harder to do the 4:30 am walk thing, if at all. Therefore, I had resigned not to walk this morning and hubby encouraged me to do it after work (which I really hate because it delays dinner for the little one and I'm not at my best in the evenings). Everything must happen for a reason because, even before my alarm went off, my belly did and it was off to the bathroom I went. After which, I laced up and hoped on the treadmill for a 5 minute warm-up, 15 minute jog (at around 4.2, instead of 4.5 today...hey, I have little legs), and a 5 minute cool down. Not bad for someone who wasn't going to do anything today.

I feel a bit better now and am hoping to feel like myself around mid-day. I have a lunch scheduled with a friend and have pretty much decided that salad is my best bet (if indeed my above theory is true). We're going to a quaint little BBQ place called the Firehouse Grill. They have a grilled chicken Caesar that I haven't tried and a blackened version of the same. I'll probably get one of those.

Today is also the day I have my weekly meeting with the boss man. I want to be strong and voice my honest opinion about how leaden my workload has become. This office is the product of good old boy, republican politicians and it shows. There is an obvious pink ghetto and a glass ceiling. Telling him these things will do nothing, but I will point out that other departments have acquired the help they need. Why are we still left in the lurch? Someone needs to scream louder about this and I am ready, willing and able. I cringe to think about next Christmas and my vacation time off. Last year, I came back to nearly 800 emails. That's insane! No one should have to endure that and I refuse to fear my vacation this year just because of some stupid emails. One part-time person is not an unreasonable request, I think. If they can pay 50 to 60K for mentor hirings left and right, an hourly part-timer is not a big deal. He/She could take up so much of the slack and help with many of the big projects we undertake from month to month. Lord give me strength because I want to be able to say these things without feeling like the words are going in one ear and out the other. I want him to hear me and make our case legitimately, over and over again if necessary. I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm going to try to stay hopeful and optimistic.