Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Fill it to the rim...

with Brim. Anyone remember that commercial? I was thinking I feel "Filled to the rim" and then remember that commercial. Man, am I dating myself!

So, I just ate my monster breakfast and it was very yummy: pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns and bacon. Oh, Atkinsers cringe! Total carbo load, but I'm feeling no guilt. It was good, I'm full and I didn't eat everything (but believe me, I tried). The thing about pancakes, although I really love them, is that they can get dry so fast! Even that's too much for me. I had my King's breakfast, I'll have my Prince's lunch and my pauper dinner today. Somehow, I have a feeling this breakfast is going to run a number on me, if you know what I mean. It's like the time I swore off fast food for three months, so I could treat myself when the family went to Vegas for vacation. I had the runs the first two days we were there! Sorry, TMI, I know. I'm convinced it was the grease, just like the grease from the hashbrowns I ate this morning. I guess I'll soon see.

Today's weight came in at 164.5. I'm not sure how solid that is, since I did fast for two days. It could be that by next Wednesday, all the water will be back. Who, knows. I think my TOM is due next week too, so I'm not sure what will happen. I like seeing the scale number come down a bit each week, but I know I have to be realistic too.

Oh! BTW, I did purchase those space bags Friday night. I got them at Bed, Bath and Beyond (they had rebates for them and everything). They're pretty good, but they don't get as flat as you see on the infomercial. Mine were lumpy and bumpy, but the air was gone (which is a good thing). They freed up about four shelves in the spare bedroom....nice. I'll be getting some more soon.

Lots of meetings on the calendar for today (ughh!). Guess I'd better get started.