Wednesday, May 26, 2004

One is Better Than None

Only one pound since last week, but that's better than no loss at all. Today, I have two scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast (part of hubby's "eat more" plan). I'm not sure I can force myself to eat more, quite yet. If I were really committed to doing it, I would have changed the limit on my spreadsheet (I just can't bring myself to do it, yet). At any rate, the weight training begins, officially on Thursday. It's a lot of reps, sweat and craziness. I left the sheet at home, but I'll try to remember to bring it tomorrow to document here (so you can see the torture plan in black and white). I'm sure it will do wonders, but I know the first couple of weeks are going to be tough. As I said before, I haven't done any serious weight training since this time, last year.

I was checking out my legs in the mirror yesterday and noticed that the flab was just rippling. Gross! I guess it just the skin hanging there waiting to be toned. This training is going to do more than just amp up my workout, it will hopefully put my skin back in it's place.