Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September 30 - Training Entry

Morning Workout - Elliptical trainer 60 minutes (628 calories burned. I find going forward first, then going backward for the last half burns many more calories).

Breakfast - Instant Folgers coffee with splenda; 1.5 packets of Quaker Cinnamon and Spice oatmeal

Lunch - I was supposed to go to a Chinese Restaurant for lunch, but it was moved to next Thursday. Thank goodness I thought to bring mine from home just in case. :) Mixed stir fried veggies (broccoli, mushrooms, water chestnuts) and cubed chicken breasts with satay sauce (2 tsp.) with Jasmine rice (about 1/2 cup).

Snack - small bowl of honey bunches of oats

Dinner - One "State Fair" corn dog, 4 potstickers and a small bowl of cereal. I could have had my chicken, but wanted something quick (as it was 8:45pm when I ate...I know. Very far after 7:00pm. I will get better). This will be my second night without hubby. I did not sleep well last night (he says he didn't sleep at all).