Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17 - Training Entry

Morning workout - 30 minutes on the elliptical (378 calories burned) Oh, and I'm 2 pounds up from last week. Is it water? (171.4) Why am I not loosing anymore?!

Breakfast - 1 packet natural hot cereal (maple brown sugar); 14 almonds
herbal tea

Asian noodles with veggies and chicken
1 small bowl of honey bunches of oats

Warm-up five minutes - Elliptical (around 50 calories burned)

Weight training (leg day...ugh!)

Elliptical 30 minutes (424 calories burned...3 resistance today)

1 serving Zatarains Jambalaya, 2 slices of homemade turkey sausage pizza, 2 bowls of Golden Grahams (yum!) 1 Black cherry Fresca