Monday, September 22, 2008

September 22 - Training Entry (first day of Autumn)

Morning workout - 50 minutes (628 calories burned) Elliptical trainer

Breakfast - Natural Harvest (fru fru oatmeal that I've been eating from Quaker) Maple and Brown sugar

Mid morning snack - 1 slice of my homemade pepperoni and mushroom pizza

Lunch - Baked Salmon, Turnip greens (courtesy of my mother) and one pancake (needed a carb)

Weight trained on back and triceps with hubby (about 20 minutes with a five minute warm-up). Dinner consisted of asian dumplings and tyson honey bbq chicken tenders (1 small jiffy corn-bread muffin). For a night cap, hubby and I had a glass of $2 Chuck Chardonnay and 2 Dove dark chocolate promises. His move date has been moved to Wednesday. We're both having all sorts of issues (but the passion hasn't died...I think it might have increased). What's up with that?