Wednesday, June 23, 2004

L-Carnitine - The Wonder Supplement

I just did some back tracking with my food journal to see what happened after I started taking the supplement. I was in the realm of 176, in mid March. By the end of the month, I had entered the high 160's. Wow! I had really no idea what kind of impact it was making. I just didn't by another bottle after I finished the second one up because I thought, "Hey. It's probably just a hoax. I'm sure it's not really doing anything." But apparently, it was. Now, here I am stuck in eternal 163 not moving an inch. I know I haven't plateaued because I change things up practically every week. It could be my calorie intake on the weekends, so I'm trying to modify that. I just have this feeling that as soon as I start taking it again, I'll begin to see a real change (like I did initially). God, I hope so. I know things typically slow down, but this is ridiculous!

I saw Bad Santa last night, the dark comedy with Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac, Tony Cox and John Ritter (this was John Ritter's last big budget film, before he died). I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, even now. There were some truly funny parts, but oh man! The language! Not that I'm a prude or anything, but it was quite a lot. I also got that the foul mouth and everything was part of Billy's (aptly named, Willie's) character. I'd never criticize art and it's direction. I think it's a movie worth seeing and I think there is a valid message, but I wouldn't' want to own this one. I felt bad, though. I thought John Ritter and Bernie Mac had a fun chemistry. They may have done more movies together.

It's anything can happen day. It's also one of my coworker's birthday. It's so funny. The team right next to me takes everyone and their mom out for birthday lunch, but when mine rolled around, nothing. Just another example of how much I'm appreciated around here. I'm not going to be negative, I'm not going to be negative, I'm not going to be negative...