Friday, June 25, 2004

Husband is Personal Trainer to Wife

Well, that's the new plan, anyway. Hubby has officially joined my gym. That makes him a member of three gyms, that I know of. Insane? Perhaps, but you've got to gain your clientele somehow, I just never thought it would be me.

We will be taking my lunch hour to train together twice a week. I guess I'll have to buck up and get ready for the pain. I can't say whether I'm looking forward to this or not. I hope to have more feedback about the situation next week.

I'm going to lunch with my mom, today. It's back to the Firehouse grill since she's after salmon. Sometimes I think that's all she ever eats. Just like chicken: that's all my husband ever eats. One day he's going to sprout feathers and shuffle away.

Tonight, I leave my babe with my girlfriend. She'll be away two nights, so hubby and I are trying to plan some quality "us" time. It's always so hard to do that because we're constantly saying things like, "Oh, 'the babe' would love this," or "We can't do that because 'the babe' isn't here." I think we're going to see The Chronicles of Riddick this weekend. We both loved Pitch Black, but I hear Riddick isn't getting good reviews. We don't care. Man, it's enough just to see Vin Diesel on the screen. He's not traditionally cute at all, but boy there is definitely something about him.

I stopped at Wally world and bought the supplement today. I'm hopping all the little fat cells are being flushed out of their mitochondria as I type this. Keep your fingers crossed!