Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Young Woman's Face Explodes (Film at Eleven)...

You know, I was a very fortunate teenager, in one respect: I never experienced acne. I would get the occasional blemish, but that was pretty much it. Not wearing makeup is something I choose to do and can do. I don't really need powder, but I'll wear lipstick or gloss; however, when I start working out? All Hell breaks loose (literally). My skin becomes a veritable mine of pimple bombs. They're disgusting! Last week, I had one smack dab in the middle of my forehead. This week, I've got some crawling up the side of my face, one on my eyebrow, one under my eye, one under my chin and one in the fold of my ear. The fold of my ear, for heaven's sake! I hate this! I try to control it by doing the Noxema thing and astringent after workouts, but nothing works. Hubby says, it's all of the impurities pushing out of my skin. But come on, there's got to be some even ground somewhere! I've actually had to wear a bit of make up these last few days, just to face the world. (This is so unnatural for the hippy inside).

I know that I should see some relief soon, but for now, it's a nightmare. I really sympathize with kids who have a full-on acne problem because high school is terrible about image and looking good all the time. Thank God I never have to go through that again!