Wednesday, April 07, 2004

No Change...

...and that pretty much sucks. I guess no change is better than a gain any day. I was really hoping that I'd be in the 160's, finally. Is that too much to ask? My hubby says I'm retaining water because of all the salt I've been eating lately, which is probably true. It doesn't make it any easier to see, though. What's wild is I'm really getting in touch with my body. On mornings I feel smaller, I usually am. This morning, I didn't feel smaller. Isn't that weird? Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive. I know it's a long road, but I sure do like seeing the scale move (even a little bit) every week. I had kind of made in "inside" goal for myself. If I was in the 160's today, I would buy myself a new dress for Easter. Well, I guess I'll be recycling last year's dress. I also can't have my regular goal (a wishlist item from

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I know that my TOM is coming soon and that's probably screwing things up for me. I also know that last month I had two weeks where there was no change, and I should just expect that each month, right? Hubby also says I should increase my protein because my body is holding on to every carb I ingest. He's not an Atkins nut or anything. He's speaking from his bodybuilding, personal training experience. The protein wouldn't be by much, actually. He says about 60 grams a day, which divides into 20 per meal. I'm probably getting around 50 now. I better find some peanuts or something (low cal, high protein, semi-high fat). I'm not even meeting my fat limit (except for last weekend and last night when we had to have Chinese and watch the Matrix Revolutions), so peanuts should be okay. I'm also having trouble getting my 64 ounces down. The raspberry ice, generic Crystal Light I've been drinking is so nasty. Never again! It's strawberry or peach ice from now on. I can suck on those for days, but this raspberry stuff. Yuck!

I didn't go to the reception last night. There was a miscommunication and the hours were from 6 to 8 rather than from 4 to six. They know 8 is bed time; however, I still didn't go to bed until 10, since we watched the movie. I didn't do my 4:30 walk because of it. Hubby says I shouldn't beat myself up about it, since I do my second workout during the day. Unfortunately, I'm of the mind-set that, even though I don't burn as many calories in my morning workout as I do my afternoon, I feel like that momentum carries throughout the morning. My mid day workout just burns off what I've eaten during the day.

It's raining today and I'm actually enjoying it (another aspect of the south that I miss). It's supposed to keep up throughout the day, then clear up by tomorrow.