Monday, April 26, 2004

Dining Out

The weekend was minus the tile shopping I was dreading. Hooray! We actually enjoyed the nice weather and took in the outdoors as much as we could. I ate out a lot this weekend, but kept my servings small and my fat count to a minimum. Weekends are tough and I know many of us can attest to that. We try to stay on the straight and narrow, but those winding roads filled with burgers and fries just look like way too much fun! Okay, so I'm not a big burgers and fries girl, but I do love the breakfast treats. In fact, my mother treated my sister and I to breakfast out on Sunday. Bring on the pancakes (but please, no butter).

This week looks like it will bring on even more temptation, as I have been invited out for three different lunches (the first one being today). We went to my favorite Chinese restaurant. I ordered the Beef and broccoli combo lunch (beef and broccoli with steamed rice, instead of ham-fried, and low mein noodles. It also comes with yummy hot & sour soup). I think I did pretty well, but I know that the sodium is going to reinforce the dam (water retention, here I come!). Tomorrow, it's lunch out with hubby and Thursday, it's lunch out with a good friend. My regret(?) is that, doing all these lunches prevents me from going to the gym. I can't go after work because I have to pick up the little one at daycare by a certain time and I work 30 miles south of where I live. I tried to "up the anti" by working out extra hard on Saturday. We'll see if it makes a difference.