Monday, April 12, 2004

Wonderful Easter;Rude Relatives

Easter was wonderful yesterday, for the most part. We went to my mother's and had the traditional spread: spiral sliced ham, green beans, squash, baked macaroni and cheese, potato salad and I made a pineapple, upside down cake for desert. Yum! So, me, my mother, my hubby, my daughter and my sister all partook in the wonderful dinner my mother made. My sister-in-law, her husband and their two kids were supposed to be there. Not only did they tell my mother they were coming, but my sister-in-law told me she would be there too. After about three hours, we figured they weren't coming. Don't you call your hostess when you're not going to make an engagement? I mean, it wasn't anything formal, but doesn't common courtesy still apply? My husband was really upset, not because they didn't show, but more because my sister-in-law is making "not showing up" more of a habit than she should.

She lived with us for a year and a half, so she really got to know my daughter. My little girl just loves her, but the last time they saw each other was before Christmas (my daughter asks for her all the time. It's getting harder and harder to tell her that "no, we're not going to [sister-in-law's] house". My hubby commented that he spoke to her (my sister-in-law) more when she lived in Missouri (1400 miles away) than he does now. I know, it's not always what people want...having relatives around all the time, but it doesn't hurt to pick up the phone every once in a while. What's worse is that she called her own mother (who still lives in Missouri) and told her that she wasn't going to make it to my mother's house. How weird is that! She did the same thing when she got into a car accident. She called her mother, but my husband didn't know about it until weeks later. And he lives right here! Her own brother!

I told him that she must be dealing with some guilt issues or something. Maybe she's feeling the leash from her husband. Perhaps it's depression...who the hell knows, but no one can help her if she doesn't talk about it. The family is like that...suppressing everything. It took three long years in our marriage for my hubby to finally start expressing himself. He's says he's so much better because of it. I think it's wonderful too.

Well, enough venting on that subject. I did okay with the eating, not great, but okay. I kind of prepared myself by having a very sparse day on Saturday (only around 500 calories the entire day). Believe me, if I'd known it was that sparse, I would have had a bit more. The thing is, I keep my food spreadsheet here at work, so I wasn't really sure until today. Anyway, I stepped on the scale Sunday morning and was back in the 160's. Hooray! I hope it's like that on Wednesday, then I can get my first goal item. Woohoo!!