Friday, April 09, 2004

It's My Anniversary!

What a glorious day! The rain stopped, the sun is shining and I'm an old, married lady. Hubby will be taking me to lunch, today, and we've both promised to be good (okay, maybe not too good). I am currently nibbling on my Garden burger and a bowl of grits. Sounds tasty, don't it? I'm wearing a size 12, iridescent green dress that is fitting rather loosely. There are actual fray marks around the bustline, when this dress was too tight. Unbelievable! So, why am I still in the 170's? Oh, well.

I made the hubby his own Easter basket with a few of his favorite things: lays BBQ chips, Mountain Dew, chocolate covered raisins, bean and beef burritos, and pineapple upside down cake mix. Woo! Sounds nutritious! Knowing my hubby, he'll space this out over the next few months. He's so good.

My pancakes were lovely, yesterday. I was full after two and could hardly believe it. Either my tummy is finally shrinking, or I'm finally gaining some self control. Time will tell.