Thursday, April 22, 2004

Super Blunder

Oh, boy. So much for my 10% goal prize. It seems I missed the fact that I ordered VHS tapes instead of DVDs. Bummer. I didn't open them, so I'm going to check out eBay to see if they are worth selling back, or I'll just sell them through again. It's so disappointing to get a package in the mail, rip the paper off like it's Christmas, only to find that you've got a lump of coal. Okay, maybe not coal, but it was certainly not what I wanted.

I did some tinkering with the color scheme on this page. I'll probably continue to tinker until it's exactly the way I want it. That's my way...always changing things up. I also hope to have some pictures available, soon. I'm usually the person behind the camera. It's going to take a lot of nerve to get up the courage to post some of my before and now pictures (can't wait for the "afters").

I walked on the treadmill for 5 minutes this morning, then took it up to a jog for the next ten. I was only going to do five, but I felt like I could handle another five and I did. I burned many more calories than I normally do in my thirty minutes on the treadmill. Perhaps I'll do some more jogging tomorrow. You never can tell!