Thursday, April 08, 2004

A Real Breakfast

For me, it's my favorite meal of the day. I think it has a lot to do with association. Growing up with a southern mother, it was a carbo fest of delight: pancakes, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, grits, biscuits, I love you all! During my "lifestyle change", I've basically been eating one oatmeal packet and Canadian bacon or one instant grits package and a garden burger. Sometimes, I even switch up the meats! (note the amazing variety!). Today, I decided I would have my frozen, Pillsbury pancakes. Well, brilliant me forgot the syrup at home. Now, what are pancakes without the syrup? Um, that would be bread. So, in about two minutes, I'm heading over to the deli for fresh made pancakes. I know how to do this too: No butter and very light syrup. I still brought my Canadian bacon, so I don't have to order any lardfilled bacon or sausage.

Tomorrow is my six year anniversary. My husband is supposed to come and take me to lunch, but I think he's rather irritated with me. I hate when Mercury goes into retrograde! It's like the two of us are speaking a different language or something (oh, if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, visit

By the way, I felt smaller today but I didn't take out the scale. Probably due to the fact that I drank my nasty raspberry ice like a good girl. Boy, those last 32 ounces were hard to get down. Tonight, I'm stopping at Wal-Mart to get the flavors I like. The Raspberry ice will be done today. Woohoo!!