Monday, July 26, 2004

A House Full-O Cops

Friday was a recognized, state holiday here, so many people had taken the day off (I think I didn't mention that Friday). Anyway, the actual holiday occurred on Saturday and Saturday (as you all know) was the day of the fish fry. Well, I thought we'd have 6 or 7 people over, including my girlfriend. Six or seven peopled quickly turned into twenty. Whoa! I've never had so many people at my house, but it was great! Hubby has some fun, quirky friends (just as I've suspected all along). Everyone there, except my family and girlfriend, were cops. Even the neighbors across the street! They all seemed to enjoy the catfish (most having never tried any before). They were all my guinea pigs with the hush puppies, which turned out pretty good. The good conversation and liquor flowed throughout the afternoon and into the night. Hubby, along with three of his friends, were a little more than tipsy. Not one piece of fish to be found and all the hushpuppies were gone before the rest of the guests got there! I had two tiny little pieces and one hush puppy. I was starving by bed time. I really didn't know we would have so many people. Oh, well.

So, mix alcohol, fire and explosives and what do you get? Total craziness. This is what happened at around 7ish that evening. At one point, they through a fire work into the street that skipped over the curb and almost onto the feet of our poor (mentally disabled) neighborhood, who took off screaming down the side walk. Oh, Lord! And of course, my hubby and his friends fell down in hysterics.

Sunday, I awoke and decided to step on the scale. Drum roll, please? One hundred fifty-nine pounds. Yep! You saw it here. I was too ecstatic! I dug out the "Golden Bronze" hair color and completely changed my look. It's not as bright as I anticipated, but by the time I retouch my roots in six weeks, it will truly be golden. I really like it and so does hubby. I can't say if I'll still be at 159 by Wednesday (especially after having a big breakfast, later and Famous Dave's for dinner), but it sure was cool to see.