Thursday, March 31, 2005

I'm Getting My Body Back!

It was amazing, truly amazing last night when I was doing my Firm workout (the Hare). I was doing my killer leg lifts and saw it! My finely toned quads rising to the ceiling. How lovely it was to see them again. They had been buried in fat so long, I barely knew they were there. This morning, I turned my arm (straight in front of me, about a 1/2 turn) and saw the bulge of my tricep. My tricep, for goodness sake! I'm on my third week of using weights again and, already, I'm seeing big, wonderful changes. I'll be extra pleased (if that's even possible) when 6 weeks have gone by and I can wear a cut-off shirt or something (am I dreaming? Maybe not).

I still haven't stepped on the scale. I'm thinking I will in May. To be frank, I'm kind of dreading it because I feel good and my clothes fit better, but something about the number (whether it be higher or lower) plays games with my mind. I'm not ready for the games. If it were considerably lower, I'd be alright but I know (in this short bit of time) that I've probably put on weight (muscle) and even though I feel good and look better, that number will set me into a tizzy. I think May is good because it will give me enough time to tone up more and, perhaps, give the muscle time to burn some of this troublesome fat away.

The sun is shining, finally. Yesterday we got hit with storm that left the valley with several inches of snow and the mountains several feet. It was crazy! You could have sworn it was January, yesterday. Today, it looks more like early March (but It would be so nice if it to looked like late April or early May). The weekend looks okay. The babe will have her swim lesson and I will get in some relaxation time with hubby (finally!). I hope it goes well, but you never can tell. The weather (or anything else) could blow in and disrupt everything. I hope that's not the case.