Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Where'd the sun go?

It's so gloomy, here. It's April showers like crazy, and it's not even April yet. What gives? I thought we officially hit spring on Sunday. I gotta tell you, I was none to thrilled to go out to my car after church to slippery, super-wet snow. Geesh! What's really depressing is that we won't see the sun (according to weather.com) until next Wednesday. Next Wednesday? No, no. I simply can't wait that long (as if I had a choice). What happened to our 60+ weather we had last week and the week before? Now, I can totally dig those temps. Bring them back, please!

The weight training is going well and so is the eating, which I seem to be doing a whole lot of. I eat and eat and eat. I know it's supposed to keep my metabolism revved, but give me a break! I feel like a little piggy. As soon as the food feels like it's settling in my tummy, it's freakin' time to eat again. Yesterday, I had a bowl of oatmeal and a carb-watcher's muffin for dinner. I couldn't eat anything else. It's too weird. Meanwhile, I took a look at myself in the mirror, as I was hefting a 20lb bar bell, bicep style. I'm looking better, even after only 4 days (I missed Thursday and Saturday of last week). I'll be glad when the cottage cheese that's found it's way to my thighs, begins to disappear. I never really had any there before. It's not cute. Ugh!

What am I eating? Lots and lots of chicken, a few egg whites, brown rice, veggies, fish and oatmeal. Very little white sugar or white flour, if any. I made Kodiak pancakes on Saturday and was surprisingly pleased at how good they were. They're multigrain with about 130 calories, 2 grams of fat and 4 grams of fiber for two. A little syrup and I was in heaven. It's actually not been hard to convert to this way of eating, it's just the feeling of eating all the time that I've got to get used to.

I haven't weighed and don't plan to for a while, as I've said. I know that the scale would not be kind to me right now, so why put myself through that? I know that in a few weeks, the balance will tip and the muscle will start burning this blasted fat from my thighs (and everywhere else, hopefully), then, I can say hello to the scale again. By then, I think I'll be brave enough to change the site. I guess we'll see, when it comes to that point. Meanwhile, I guess I'll go home and eat some more chicken.