Friday, September 17, 2004

Sleep at Last!

The insomnia is gone (I think). I slept so well last night that when my alarm went off, I actually didn't want to throw it across the room. How's that for effective sleeping! I went to the fridge to find a sweet note from my hubby, attached to a lunch he'd prepared for me, "Hope you slept well last night, honey. Have a good day." Too sweet, right?

I had a good breakfast this morning that I didn't finish. It's always hard to do that, but I know how guilty I'll feel if I don't. Not only is the guilt an issue, but it's how I'll feel physically that becomes an issue as well. Too full, and I want to throw up these days. My stomach must be smaller. Amen for that!

No big plans for the weekend, but I'm thrilled none the less. Perhaps I'll catch up on the rest I missed earlier this week or maybe I'll bum around in my underwear, not caring who sees me. Sounds good to me, either way. Oh, and I'm still on the Hot Rox. Some days are better than others. Hubby says that I always have to have some protein after taking these. Sometimes I have protein and sometimes I don't. I can always tell when I don't. The jitters start and I just have a paranoid feeling for the rest of the day. Not good. I'm not sure, yet, if it's doing anything. I'm completely off the L-Carnitine because I didn't know if there was something going on with the two interacting together or not. I didn't want to take the chance, even though hubby said it should be fine.

Monday, my part-timer will be here to train. It will be so great having the help. I still can't get over it (probably because I've been asking for help for nearly a year, with no sign of help coming). I think I'm still in a bit of denial.