Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Phew! Hubby has me on full dosage of the Hot Rox now and I am completely racing. Ughh! No caffeine at all, but I feel like I'm about to take off. This is the same feeling I used to get when I took Ripped Fuel (of course, that had ephedra and this doesn't). I can't reach my hubby, but I think I'll go back to have the dose. This is way too out of control a feeling for me.

The day has flown by (perhaps because I'm racing or perhaps because there is just so much to do). In any case, I'm so glad about the fact that the day is almost gone. I'll be off tomorrow and I'm even more thrilled about that.

I did pretty well over the weekend with my eating. The only day that kind of acted as a splurge was Sunday. We had Taco Bell for dinner and I had one of those new value menu, combo burritos. Boy, what a mistake. I found out that one of those suckers has 19 grams of fat and of course, that wasn't all I had. Couple the burrito with a spicy chicken burrito and a krispy kreme donught. A menu for disaster! The next day, I jumped on the treadmill but also shaped up my calories to a minimal 1300. I hope that helps for Wednesday (today has been good too).

Well, I'm off to a meeting. This should help in speeding the day along. I always come back to multiple emails which keep me hoping.