Today, I'm working from home. I got a great deal done in the first few hours, but now I'm seeing that the "catching up" I wanted to do is proving a bit futile. Everyone else is off today, so those people I would be communicating with, in order to catch up, are not available. The babe is napping and hubby just came home from work and working out. He'll be down for the count momentarily. So, here I am. Just me and my computer.
Oh, and I'm not sure if anyone as checked but I did update the movie links to the left last week. Since the update, I've seen a couple more, but I'll wait until next time to enter those reviews. That reminds me, it's about time to update the movie list again. We did some buying and trading a few weeks back and things are completely out of control. Pretty soon, the movies will need their own storage room!
I've been on the hunt for a Lillian Vernon costume for my little one. eBay has them sometimes for a lot cheaper than the retail price. The babe wants to be a cat this year. The costume retails for around $35.00 and I just can't bring myself to spend that much on a costume she'll only wear once. That's the thing with kids - they out grow things at hyperspeed,whereas my costumes will last me forever.
I hear hurricane Frances is breaking up and is looking more like a tropical storm, now. That's terrific for the folks in Florida (including my grandma). I can't imagine the kind of damage they experienced, and just after Charlie, too! What a mess. I hope they recover quickly.
Other than working from home today, all is well. I'll be back in the office tomorrow and will be off on Wednesday. Unfortunately, that's the day the babe's dance classes start up again. She's been anticipating these all summer. So, I'll be driving into town on Wednesday (against my better judgment). Perhaps I can find something to do while she's dancing. Breakfast out? Shopping? A Movie? I guess we'll see...