Friday, September 03, 2004

Rain, Beautiful Rain

It's been pouring since early this morning and I love it! Utah never sees enough of the wet stuff so, when a down pour happens, I'm too excited about it. They say we're getting some of the effects of Frances (the hurricane currently pounding Jamaica). My grandmother lives in Daytona, so I quickly called her yesterday to see if all was well. True to form, she was unfazed, "God will take care of me, " she said. They've begun evacuating the southern most part of the state and have moved people from the hopsitals to safer places. This storm is going to be something, especially if we're getting some of it (even way out here!).

Today is my lunch date with my girlfriend. Too excited about the impending carbo fest, I gotta tell yah. I love pasta! Actually, I have an affinity with anything Italian: food, wine, fashion, men....

This morning, after I took the Rox first thing, I jumped on the treadmill. After about 20 minutes, the weird vision thing happened. Again, only for a second or two, but enough for me to notice. I think too that I noticed a surge in my heart rate, so it must effect the metabolism. Hubby's on the Zantrex and says that it doesn't do that heart-flutter thing he thought it would. He feels awake, alert, revived and regenerated, but not ready to take off into the wild blue yonder. I wonder if their claims are can anything be 546% more effective, that's what I'd like to know.