We had our interview with our final, top candidate yesterday morning. She was great, except for being about 10 minutes late. When I checked with one of her references, the supervisor confirmed that this isn't out of the ordinary for her. (Hmmm, not sure I want to go there with an "iffy" person, know what I mean?) I'll certainly be glad when this process is over and I can start training, get miserably behind in my work, than magically catch up again. I think it will take about a month to get her used to the processes, whomever "she" may be.
I ordered a great top for my Halloween costume on eBay, not too long ago (yep. I'm already planning. It's best to do these things ahead before everything is gone, I believe). Anyway, it was about ten days ago with no word from the seller. I then wrote to the seller to ask what was going on, well, I wasn't expecting the answer I got. " As it indicates in our description, we ship only twice per week. We were a bit delayed, due to preparations for Ivan, but your item will be shipped tomorrow." Oh, man. Bring on the guilt! There are lots of our students who are preparing for Ivan as well (we're nationwide, so our students are everywhere). Most of them are really worried about not being able to turn in homework and other assignments, if they're evacuated to different locations. Talk about devotion! I think my biggest worry would be, "What the heck am I going to do with my dog/cats/stuff?"
I retouched my roots on Sunday last. Since then, I've gotten all sorts of compliments on the color. It's still not quite the bronze shade I want it. I found a light blonde that may take it up to the correct shade. If not, it's full-on wigs for me again. That might be a bit tricky, seeing as I work out most days and a sweaty wig isn't attractive. I can't see myself pulling it off in the locker room and effectively scaring everyone in there. I suppose I'd just go black if it looks horrible (then watch all of my hair fall out from overprocessing). I'm so positive, ain't I?
I'm having lunch with a friend tomorrow. She's quite a gal, I must say. So different from the locals. A true rebel, that's why I like her I'm sure. It should be a great lunch, I'm just worried will have a large posse invite themselves to go with us. Not that I'm antisocial, but sometimes you just want to be one-on-one with a person. There more likely to open up and not feel restricted to keeping the conversation conservative because of present company. Anyway, I'm anxious to get her insight into some things.