It's a new month and I'm feeling great! I worked out yesterday morning and this morning. The plan was to pull double-duty everyday this week, to make up for last week's birthday excitement (that means morning and mid-day workouts); however, I haven't made good on that goal. Yesterday, even though I brought my healthy and nutritious lunch, I opted to take my husband out to lunch at the Firehouse. It was yummy and I ate well to boot! A blackened chicken sandwich with homestyle fries. Okay, maybe I should have had the side-salad instead of the fries, but I figured a small order wouldn't kill me. I left my workout bag here to use for today's lunch instead.
I've been browsing some other blogs this morning and found a couple of interesting ones. I won't list them because I haven't "connected" yet to them. You know, found that something within the writing that reaches your own soul? Once I have that, I'll be sure to share the links. It's also occurred to me that I haven't updated the movies page in a long while. I'll try and tackle that today or tomorrow (lots of meetings coming up so, we'll see how that goes).
I'll be sending my girlfriend my measurements for my bride's maid dress the middle of this month. I think I'll go a couple inches less of what my actual measurements are, considering I plan on being a more svelte me by then (July). I figure, I'd rather go a couple inches less than end up looking like a chocolate bar trapped in a blue tent at her wedding. Yikes! She says she wants us to look sexy and I'm sure sexy doesn't include, "with a side of frumpy."
Hubby and I are still dealing with the issues. Will we move? Will we stay? Will my job allow me to work from home after all? Will I have to take a part-time job? Will I lose my house forever, along with my beautiful dog and cats? Is an apartment in the future for the current homeowners? Oh, boy. I girl could go mad from all the drama! I'm hanging tough and trying to stay strong through it all. I'm also praying a lot. Whether you meditate, pray or chant, please send some of those positive vibes my way. This sister is in definite need.