Hubby says it's a hunger headache. It dissipated a bit after lunch, but I still ended up taking some naproxen just to be sure. I feel loads better and enjoyed my crab leg dinner (that's what my weekends will be made of, for the next few weeks). No butter sauce, but they still taste wonderful.
Not much to report on the dieting front. I woke up with a leg cramp from Hades and nearly kicked myself out of bed. I'll probably hit up the apple cider vinegar tonight before bed. Nastiest stuff ever. Ugh! Not looking forward to it, but I know it will help a lot. I can't afford to have another one of those killer cramps. My leg is still sore. I had a 2.8lb loss this morning, taking me to 177.6lbs. That's a total of 9 pounds already. I can't imagine that these cool loses will continue to last, but I'll take 'em while I can get 'em. Here's what I had:
An airy, forty-something water-bearer that marches to the beat of her own drum. I'm a wife, a mother of two and avid animal lover. I also love to travel and may one day make that part of my profession.
Labels: 170s, P2, R7, vlcd