Friday, February 09, 2007

Planning on Swimming

I really am going to go, despite the still lingering sore throat and despite the constant hacks. I can't afford not to! I haven' t really worked out all week, well, unless you count my parading all around downtown, yesterday. We have a conference in session with lots of employees here from out of town. We were supposed to be at a hotel located just across from my parking destination. Turns out, a recently built facility bearing the same name was where I needed to be, not where I was.

So, off on a hike I went. It was only a few blocks, but you have to understand. Salt Lake City blocks are much larger than normal city blocks (it's historical...something about roads needing to be big enough and wide enough to turn oxen around or something like that). Anyway, they're pretty big and I huffed and puffed my way over. By the time I got there, I was glistening and I thought, "Wow. I guess I just got my workout in after all." I coughed a little bit, once I sat down but it wasn't too bad. I figure I'll be in warm water and all tonight not cool, brisk air.

I'm just so desperate to keep on track. Things are progressing well, clothes are looking better and baggier on me than they have in months. I keep seeing a pair of jeans in my closet that I'm desperate to wear. I won't be able to until I get this baby weight off once and for all.

Finally, V-day is nearly upon us and I have pretty much worn the same dress on V-day for the past seven or eight years (excluding the years preggers or with baby weight). I may actually get into it next week, if I stay on target. I think it would literally blow my hubby's mind to see me in it (it's a fabulous dress, even now). I never thought it too dressy, and would wear it on campus for the day. Now that I almost work in my pajamas, it will definitely cause a stir at work (that is, if I don't look like a beached whale in it). I'd like to wear and be able to feel somewhat confident...knowing that it could look better, but also realizing that it looks good regardless. Wish me luck!