Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Starting to Feel The Changes

Yesterday morning, I tried Hooked on Aerobics for the first time in a long, long time. It was rough! I found myself transitioning down to the low effort, often. I was just huffing and puffing, but thankfully, staying within my target heart rate. With as difficult as it was, I felt really energized afterwards. It hit me while I was showering that it was the most energized I'd felt since beginning my program last week. It occurred to me that I probably haven't been reaching my target heart rate with the walking know, not putting out enough effort to reach it regardless of the sweat I was seeing.

Today, I couldn't do Hooked because hubby was home and the only VCR that currently works resides in our bedroom (I fixed that this morning on my way to work by stopping at Wally World and picking up a new VCR to put in the living room). We needed one anyway. My mother gave us a DVD burner for Christmas and I want to convert home videos and such to DVD...but I digress. I took my walking DVD up front and went through the two-mile, thirty minute workout. This time, I put forth the effort and felt like I was really doing well. I also noticed how much better I did since last week. I guess I'm getting stronger. It's still a bit uncomfortable, but I did it. I can't way to say that about Hooked and The Firm. Then, I know I would be making huge leaps.

Here are my stats from yesterday: 72 ounces of water, 1380 calories, 41.5 fat grams and 35 grams of fiber. I'm not counting carbs or protein this time because I'm eating low glycemic items. Doing so, my carbs are under control and I'm getting a lot of protein. I really like this because I don't feel like I'm going to starve to death. That was always my issue before. I would just get so hungry and want to eat everything in site. I'd crave those high glycemic carbs which would only satisfy me temporarily. Then, I'd be hungry again. I've also noticed how even I am. No more highs and lows with erratic behavior towards my hubby (or at least, not as erratic). With all that, I'm putting out an APB on my extra weight. It's armed and extremely dangerous. It has a warrant for attempted murder, physical and mental abuse. I'm hoping it gets the death penalty...preferably by electrocution by body heat.