Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Icky Sickies

Yesterday, I took off from work. Indy had the sniffles and gave me whatever it was she was carrying. On top of that, we've got this nasty inversion hanging over our heads making everyone feel like crud. I was feeling like crap warmed over. Therefore, no working out for me. I'm feeling a bit guilty because I've only worked out once this week. I can say, however, that I've been staying true to the good eats and Sunday, I was down to 191. Thirty more pounds to go (ugh!). Feels like I'll never get there, but I've got to stay true...focused to the goal.

As a treat (that hasn't seemed to deter my progress), I've allowed myself dark chocolate pieces at night. Oh, ecstasy! There's nothing like the feeling you get when it melts in your mouth. Hubby and I are total addicts. I was blessing the Spaniards of old for their discovery of this delectable treat.

I hope to at least get my "one mile" video in today. We'll see what happens. That would alleviate some of this guilt. I guess the other thing I could do (since it's dance night) is find a nice enclosed area to take a walk in. I've got to take it easy, though because of my weakly lungs. I am so prone to bronchial trouble it's pitiful.

Glad the weekend is nearly here. My hubby is off from tomorrow till Monday...on day shift. Woohoo! Maybe he'll find time to sneak away into to town and come and see me. Wishful thinking yes but hey, it could happen.