Thursday, October 11, 2007

Still Can't Find it and TOM is Coming

I really haven't looked as hard as I was looking before, but I will. The weekend is nearly here! I felt guilty about overindulging on some honey-roasted cashews I had, once I came home from work. Hubby was eating them like candy, so why couldn't I? You can't because you don't burn 2000 calories a day like he does. Oh yeah!

Well, the guilt was enough to send me downstairs to the elliptical trainer. It was my off day, but I wanted that extra 440 calories gone to compensate for the splurge. It didn't help. This morning I got up and stepped on the scale? Unfortunately the 175 told me that the water is hanging on. Why must you hang on, water? Get thee hence, retched fluid retention!

Well, I won't let it bother me. I'll keep pressing forward as I've been doing. It may be more than TOM, too. I made spaghetti for dinner on Tuesday night with mushrooms, ground turkey and Prego mushroom garden sauce (salt, salt, salt). Then yesterday afternoon, I went to lunch with girlfriends. Where did they want to go? Italian Village. What did I order? Spaghetti with marinara sauce (more salt). Last night, there were the pot stickers and rice. This morning, breakfast ham, scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast with jam. For lunch, szechuan noodles. Perhaps I'll have some food with my salt tonight. Oh, and the water drinking is not where it was. Gotta work on that. Perhaps if I did, the salt would leave. Capital idea, my good woman. Capital!