Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Woo, Lord. My abs!

Mercy! I worked out to The Firm:Volume 4 or Time Crunch Workout. Yikes! I was pretty much sweating buckets by the fifteen minute mark (this is a forty-five minute video). I only stopped twice; once, during the "step up, step down" routine on the 10" box with weights (a rotation of bicep curls, laterals, and kick backs), and during one of the segments for the ab routine. Geesh! Those reverse crunches were kicking my tail (seeing that I have no muscle tone whatsoever in that area, right now). I just had a baby, for God's sake! I told the t.v., "I'll get back to you on that one." Anyone who may have walked into my living room at that moment, would have thought me a raving lunatic. Oh, well. I'll hit them back on the full deal in a couple of weeks. I'm still building my strength, after all.

I did feel great, afterwards. It wasn't until this morning that I felt like someone had taken one of those vehicles (you know the kind...they use them to lay down the tar when they're redoing or putting down new roads) over my stomach a couple of times. Obliques, lower and upper abs...they were all screaming. Thank goodness for the stretching at the end or I really would have been in trouble.

Tonight? I'm thinking treadmill or maybe a go at the elliptical. The only thing about it (and I know it is less impact and burns more calories) is that it's so tough for me to get going on it again. I can usually only go in five minute spurts, at first so. Maybe, I'll warm up on it, then hop on the treadmill. We'll see. The working out after dinner was also a good idea. I was tired, but I didn't feel like I was going to pass out.

Now, we'll see if all of this is for not on Monday. Oh yeah, I'm weighing on Mondays, right now. That may change. We'll see.