Thursday, January 13, 2005

My Anniversary and Deep Thoughts

Tuesday was the 8-year anniversary of being with my husband. I said, "I love you," to him exactly 8 years ago. I took the day off and we went to the movies. We saw The Forgotten. It was great, until the end when it totally coped out. I sometimes wonder if writers run out of steam or if their getting pressure from the movie execs about time crunches. Either way, they do themselves a true disservice by not creating to their full potential. Run out of steam? Stop and come back to it later...years, if need be. Movie time constraints? Rip up your contract (okay, so I know it's not that easy).

The entire day was rainy and we spent most of it running to stay dry. We had lunch at Pei Wei, which was tasty for me (Pad Thai with Chicken), but not so impressive to my hubby (Mongolian Chicken). It was also very crowded and they sat us at a table too small for a toddler. I gave him the first season of The Shield as a gift. He was ecstatic! I received my gift last night...he's returned to day-shift. Hallelujah! I was so happy, I wanted to cry. Graveyards have been hard for us. He never gets enough rest and I don't get to see him like I want to. He felt the same way. He also warned me that if he gets the job he wants at the airport, he may have to go to swing shift. Ughh! That's even worse, but we'll make do. We always do.

I've been thinking a lot about all this craziness with the weather everywhere. It's really frightening. You can't tell me that the Tsunami didn't effect everyone. An earthquake of that magnitude is bound to effect, not only the very traumatic events we saw but also the way the weather is impacted. The whole of North America seems to be swimming in water of some sort, whether it be snow or rain. Places that never get snow, are now getting it...places that typically have harsh winters, aren't seeing the worst in a century. I just hope mother earth is calmed soon. So many people have lasts their lives in recent weeks. I feel for their families. The photos of the Tsunami, the mudslides in California, the flooding here and in other parts of the country, just make me want to cry.

I've lost two pounds since last week. I've gotten off to a good start and seem to be going full steam ahead. My little one was coughing something wicked this morning. I hope I don't get another call. I suppose that's what the fever was last weekend...her body trying to kill the cold (or whatever this is) that was trying to attack. Well, it succeeded. I just want her to get better soon, poor thing. She was up and down all night. I didn't get a lot of sleep and I was kind of snippy to her. I hope we both feel better before the day's end.