Monday, February 13, 2012

R5, P2, VLCD 29 - So Much Better (179.8)

I've been so naughty about tracking my progress, but I've been very good about my eating. For the past several days I've had beef (beef patty) and crab legs for dinner. Yes! Crab legs every night. And since they're my absolute favorite, I can honestly say I'm not tired of them.

The local grocery store here had them on a super sale and I just kept buying them. Wonderful! Alaskan crab legs are the greatest. At first, I was worried about the salt and issues with water retention but, as you can see, steady loses have continued. I've been off the HCG since Saturday. My interruption begins tomorrow. Perfect timing for Valentine's day! Hubby is so excited. He's planned his cheat day to coincide with my being on break. It should be lovely.

For his gift, I bought a basket and filled it with goodies ("Nuts for my Nut" was my theme): Cashews, Pistachios, Macadamias, his favorite sugarless chocolate from our local candy factory and a big bottle of Dew (he can't drink it right now, he says). It will keep. Soda always does.

Tomorrow, we'll have dinner together and send our kids away to another room to watch a movie all their own. If we can't have a babysitter, we'll find a way to sneak in romance.

Happy Valentine's day!