Tuesday, April 01, 2008

More Motivation (TOM)

So, after hubby's show this weekend, I have more motivation to try and tackle the whole figure physique. I think if I lost thirty pounds (Phew! That seems like a whole, heck of a lot) and had the muscle I'm carrying now, I could do pretty well. My weight training will have to pick up. As I mentioned before, I've been doing crazy cardio as of late (burning somewhere in the neighborhood of 700-800 calories per session). I've also been eating more because of this, but not always the best items. I've got to get back into the Oats-eggs-tuna regime. It's so boring, though!!

I didn't weigh last week because TOM showed up. Then, a couple of days later, hubby stepped on the scale and it responded with a flashing "CAL" which normally means it's calibrating; however, this usually goes away after a few seconds. Not so that time. It flashed like a disco ball for nearly a minute and a half. Not a good sign. Now, the screen is dark. You try to step on it and no response. I tried replacing the battery and...nothing. The scale is officially dead. When I get another one of those 20% off coupons (that we all get) for BedBathandBeyond again, I'll be purchasing a new scale. I don't feel that I'm a slave to it anymore, I just like to gauge what's happening. I also need the numbers for my goal rewards (haven't had one of those in a while...sigh). The next one is perfume. (Que A Chorus Line..."God, I hope I get it...I hope I get it!")

My legs are like rocks, did I mention this? Seriously. They are hard where the muscles are. The flabby part isn't as flabby, but I'm thinking I'd like the flabby part to be taut as well. The arms need serious help! I can tell I've lost fat in them, but it looks like the air has been let out and they are swinging. Yikes! My triceps are beautiful when I flex, but I want them to look like that even when I don't. I've seriously got to get to work. As I looked at the women at the show I thought, "You know, I could do this." The only draw back is that I don't have a gym membership. Perhaps my goal will be to see if you can compete without a gym membership. Can a person place in a show who only has her free weights, her cardio equipment and her videos? I wonder...

It will probably be a year before I can even attempt as much and that's if I can keep myself going without interruptions like sickness, work weirdness and kid drama. I guess it's a wait-and-see game.