Wednesday, November 07, 2007

"You're Almost There!"...Really?

I've been hitting the workout out videos hard, as of late (the Firm Standing Legs and Upper Body, mostly). Not much change in my weight, but plenty of changes in my body. I know you're supposed to be pleased with body changes, but I'd really like that number to go down much further. Hubby says 80% of it is diet. I guess I'd better start tweaking that...and for me, that means eating more and more often (perish the thought!).

I am always transfixed by the statement above. A video instructor is huffing through the last set or the last few reps and exclaims, "You're almost there!" as if that's going to make getting through those last delt flies, squats or crunches any easier or faster. I suppose it helps some and there's the encouragement that you've nearly completed your exercises, I guess. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that one out because I'm heading right into another set, just after I finish the ones that I'm "almost there." Can't they just say, "One more!" instead. (Oh, I guess they do say that.)

My water intake has been sporadic. Some days, I get in the whole 2.3 liters. Other days, it's half that or a third. I try to remember my L-Carnitine (which makes a huge difference) but I sometimes forget. I need a way to remember it, but I don't want to leave them here at work. I'm seriously in need of more. I guess when I buy more, I won't be so hesitant in leaving them here in the office where I can see them.

The goal shoes seem so far off, again. I'm not even bordering the 160s. I fluctuate now between 173, 173.5 and 174...depending on my water intake, the salt intake, what sort of workout I've done, etc.... I'm just not ready to start eating oatmeal, egg whites and tuna like it's going out of style. I suppose I better get ready, if I want to see the changes I'm after. I know I'm taking in way too much salt. Mostly because of the instant meals I eat for lunch and all of the prepackaged food we have. Gotta go natural. That's what my mother has done (although she's not inhaling egg whites or oatmeal) and she's down to a size four! Maybe I'll do a variation on what she's doing. She's eating lots of raw veggies (which I like), fruit (depends on what type) and very little bread (again, perish the thought). I'll keep working on it and maybe, just maybe I'll make a dent in those 160's yet!